Music - Hollow Box Jockey Club

Hollow Box Jockey Club

Get in the loop to hear more music

Hollow Box Jockey Club Picture: Click for Sample Track Listings and Contact details of other Jockeys.

What it is and how to join

HBJC started in October 2003 by me, Hannah Godfrey. I was broke, bored of my music collection and had just my tape decks to rely on. Add to this a deep love of receiving mail and lo!- a loop was formed in the shape of a perfect lasso. Here's what I thought up.

and we just keep going for as long as you want or until I run out of tapes (which ain't gonna happen soon, cowboy).

I hear sounds I wouldn't know how to find for myself as do many of the other jockeys. The time it takes to make a tape you want to send out creates a bond between you and the other jockeys. You are making something for a stranger, you are giving that mixtape part of yourself that is usually reserved for those you love or want to love. The process involved with tape making - the clicks and clunks of the tape deck, the obsessive track listing, creating a cover- is a beautiful testament to the thoughtful application of mind and body to pre-digital machinery; to being at one with your tape deck.

For your delight and delictation, we have some sample track listings available

if you want to join us Jockeys get in touch, greenhorn